Friday, July 26, 2013

Everybody LINE Up!!!

The current Family Mart Premium Program is a total Must Have!!!  Every single one of these Six LINE character vinyls is as Cute as Hell - you will want them all, for sure!!!
As an added surprise, they also double up as pens..  Just pop the head off and Voila, Write away!!!

Stay Real x Be@rbrick

Much anticipated new BB for me.... Was excited about this one ever since I first saw the Promotional shots...  Even the graphics on the packaging is a Keeper!!!
He fits right in with the ever growing Designer Tie In collection...
Now I only wish they come out with the other one, in the Pink Camou outfit, pictured , too!!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

7 X Muertos

Series 26's Horror entry is Hands Down my most Fave in the collection...  
So much so that I already have 7 of them...  And maybe I will add more later....
Awaiting Day of the Dead celebration with Fave Monster High Ghoul, Skellita!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013