Thursday, October 31, 2013

Dia De Los Muertos!

Commemorating Our Dearly Departed.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Happy Halloween

Wishing You All a Fun and Safe Halloween Celebration!!!  Enjoy!!!
Sharing Just a Few more Halloween Photo outtakes! 
Dance Under The Moonlight!

All Hail, The Pumpkin King!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween 2013

Did not think this guy would make it in time for Halloween - but he did!  He is here now and am quite Happy for it!
The rest of the Muertos Are just Joyous with her appearance!!!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

My Bloody Valentine

Got these a couple of month's back but am just now getting around to taking them out
and photographing them...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Horror Stories

Dug Up all my Bearbricks from the Horror Series for this quick shot - using it as part of my 31 Days of Halloween album on Facebook - realized am missing quite a few still...  Waaaaah Help!!!

Anyway, since am backtracking one Series at a time, I really cannot acquire the missing ones of these Horror BBs till i have completed my Basic R only Series..  And I still need 4 there...  Unless of course, I happen upon them...  So I will just have to be contended with these that I already have now.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday, Indeed!!!

Woke up to another rainy day...  Went to get my coffee and exchange for a couple of the Kewpie Premiums...  Sadly the elusive Lion was not in the boxes once more..  Am already frustrated as I have quite. Few Repeats already...  
So I decided to put my Shameless Dace on and Beg the Store man to let me exchange one for the Lion on display...  Nevermind that it has been taken out of the box and displayed - it means finally completing my collection!  And Voila...  "Ask and you shall get!!"
Stand Up Bobble Heads

Phone Pluggies
Am one Happy Man!!!  Wonderful Wednesday All!!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Chocoolate X Bearbrick

Finally tracked down this Chocoolate 400% Bearbrick
issued for the Cool Hong Kong Boutique's 5th Anniversary!!
Now am really not into collecting 400% Bearbricks but now and again,
I just gotta break down...  And this is one of those times....